WWE Monday Night Raw Results – April 6th, 2020*

RAW Tag Team Championship Match: The Street Profits (c) vs. Austin Theory and Angel Garza

Dawkins runs over聽Theory, twice. Dropkick by Ford. Dawkins back body drops聽Theory onto Garza. Double dropkicks by the Profits. After the break, Garza and Dawkins are taking turns working over Dawkins. Dawkins manages to tag in Ford. Ford is a house of fire. Ford goes up top for a splash. Vega grabs Ford鈥檚 foot. The referee sees Vega and throws the match out.

Winners- The Street Profits

After the match, Vega kicks Ford in the face just like she did at WrestleMania. Bianca Belair walks out on the ramp. Vega tries to attack Belair but Belair spinebusters Vega into next week. Belair grabs a mic and says she goes here now. Belair demands Vega get in the ring now before she has to come get her.

Zelina Vega vs. Bianca Belair

Belair tosses Vega clear across the ring. Vega grabs a side headlock.聽Belair tosses her off.聽Belair does a front flip and runs over Vega. Vega slaps聽Belair in the face. Vega tries to run away.聽Belair grabs Vega by the hair.聽Belair unloads on Vega before launching her across the ring by her hair.聽Belair misses a spear in the corner. Vega kicks聽Belair in the head. Vega chokes聽Belair in the ropes. Vega rolls up聽Belair for a near fall. DDT by Vega.聽Belair kicks out. Modified dragon sleeper by Vega.聽Belair turns it into a suplex. Vega tries a splash off the top but聽Belair catches her in midair.聽Belair press slams Vega while doing squats. Theory tries to get involved. Ford takes out Theory. The referee throws out the match.

No Contest

Ford grabs a mic and says they should make it a six-person tag match.

The Street Profits and Bianca聽Belair vs. Angel Garza and Austin Theory and Zelina Vega

Ford dropkicks Theory. After a distraction from Garza, Theory takes control. Garza and聽Theory work over Ford. Ford manages to tag in Belair. Belairlands a backbreaker into a gutbuster on Vega. Garza breaks up the pin. Ford chases Garza. Belair reverses Vega鈥檚 wheelbarrow into the glam slam. Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits and Bianca Belair

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