WWE Monday Night Raw Results – December 30th, 2019*

Andrade vs. Local Talent

Andrade beat the crap out of his opponet. Andrade is about to hit the Hammerlock DDT but Vega instructs Andrade to DDT his opponet on the concrete floor. Ricochet makes the save.

No contest

Ricochet challenges Andrade to a match.

Andrade vs. Ricochet

Andrade surprised聽Ricochet with a dropkick. Vega pulls the mats up outside the ring to expose the concrete again.聽Ricochet catches Andrade with a ranna that sends him out of the ring.聽Ricochet lands a dive. Andrade tries to leave but聽Ricochet cuts him off. Andrade drives聽Ricochet into the barricade. Andrade tries to DDT聽Ricochet on the concrete.聽Ricochet fights out of the hold but eventually gets back body dropped on the concrete. After the break,聽Ricochet hits a shooting star press. Andrade kicks out. Vega pushes聽Ricochet off the top rope when the referee is distracted. Andrade drops聽Ricochet with the Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner- Andrade

Backstage, Vega says Andrade is going to beat Mysterio again next week

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