WWE Monday Night Raw Results – July 29th, 2019*

Gauntlet Match (Winner Gets a U.S. Title Shot at SummerSlam): Rey Mysterio vs. Ricochet vs. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Mysterio and Cesaro are the first two competitors. Cesaro takes down聽Mysterio and gets two kick near falls. Prawn hold by聽Mysterio. Cesaro kicks out. Clothesline by Cesaro.聽Mysterio tries to ranna Cesaro over the top rope. Cesaro lands on his feet.聽Mysterio swings Cesaro into the ring apron. Sliding splash by聽Mysterio.聽Mysterio clutches as his knee. Springboard ranna by聽Mysterio. Cesaro avoids the 619.聽Mysterio head scissors Cesaro into the crowd. After the break, Cesaro hits a top rope elbow.聽Mysterio kicks out.聽Mysterio knocks Cesaro off the top rope.聽Mysterio gets a near fall after a senton. Cesaro catches Mysterio with a nasty European uppercut as聽Mysterio springboarded off the top. Cesaro tries to powerbomb聽Mysterio, but聽Mysterio sends Cesaro flying into the middle turnbuckle.聽Mysterio goes up top but Cesaro quickly cuts him off with a leaping European uppercut. Cesaro carries聽Mysterio to the top rope. After a series of counters while up top,聽Mysterio eventually hits an avalanche wheelbarrow bulldog.聽Mysterio hits a frog splash for the pin.

Cesaro has been eliminated.

Sami Zayn is next. Zayn attacks聽Mysterio. Zayn misses the Helluva Kick.聽Mysterio small packages Zayn for the quick win!

Sami Zayn has been eliminated.

Andrade is next. After the break, Andrade and聽Mysterio trade strikes. Andrade tosses聽Mysterio out of the ring. Andrade hits the three amigos. Andrade hits the Hammerlock DDT for the pin.

Rey聽Mysterio has been eliminated.

Andrade rips off聽Mysterio鈥檚 mask. Ricochet sprints down to the ring to save聽Mysterio. After the break聽Ricochet is firmly in control. Head kick by聽Ricochet. After a distraction by Vega, Andrade knocks聽Ricochet off the apron. Andrade is working over聽Ricochet.聽Ricochet manages to land a dropkick. Andrade and聽Ricochet trade punches. Ranna by聽Ricochet. Andrade hip tosses聽Ricochet into the corner. Corner double knee strike by Andrade.聽Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet lands the backflip kick but Andrade responds with a spinning back elbow.聽Ricochet immediately hits an inverted Ranna.聽Ricochet crushes Andrade with the 630 for the win.

Winner and Number One Contender for the United States Championship,聽Ricochet!

After the match,聽Ricochet says he is going to make everyone believe at SummerSlam. AJ Styles is backstage at a monitor laughing at聽Ricochet.

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