WWE Monday Night Raw Results – November 4th, 2019*

Andrade and Zelina Vega vs. Sin Cara and Carolina

Andrade attacks Sin Cara as soon as the bell rings. Sin Cara back body drops Andrade over the top rope. While the referee is distracted, Carolina takes a page out of Vega鈥檚 book and hits a senton off the apron on Andrade. After the break, Andrade tries to rip off Sin Cara鈥檚 mask. Sin Cara sunset bombs Andrade off the top.

Sin Cara tags in Carolina. Carolina hits a dropkick and low crossbody on Vega. Vega tries a wheelbarrow but Carolina turns it into a facebuster. Andrade breaks up the pin. Sin Cara clotheslines Andrade over the top. Carolina hits a Gory Bomb on Vega. Sin Cara dives over the top rope and hits a senton on Andrade. Vega surprises Carolina with a basement ranna for the win.

Winners-聽Andrade and Zelina Vega

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