WWE Monday Night Raw Results – April 20th, 2020*

In-Ring Segment: Drew McIntyre

McIntyre welcomes everyone to the show.聽McIntyre says this is the highlight of his week.聽McIntyre says he knows that holding the WWE Championship paints a target on her back.聽McIntyre says it鈥檚 crowded at the top. Rollins stomped聽McIntyre last week twice. If Rollins wants an opportunity at the champ, Rollins can get a shot at the champ.聽McIntyre challenges Rollins to a title match at Money in the Bank. Angel Garza, Austin Theory, Zelina Vega interrupts. Vega says聽McIntyre is looking past Angel Garza. Andrade attacks聽McIntyre from behind.聽McIntyre surprises Andrade with the Claymore. Vega tells Garza and Theory to go help, Andrade. They both refuse.聽McIntyre Claymores Andrade out of the ring.

Money in the Bank Qualifier Match: Aleister Black vs. Austin Theory

Theory and Black trade submission attempts. Black misses a leg sweep. Black almost hits Black Maass while聽Theory is on the apron. Vega storms down the ramp and badmouths Black.聽Theory launches Black into the barricade. After the break, Black puts聽Theory in a triangle.聽Theory powerbomb his way out of it. Black fires up and lands a few strikes.聽Theory kicks out of Black鈥檚 springboard moonsault. Ushigoroshi by聽Theory. Black kicks out. Black escapes the ATL. Black knees聽Theory in the face then hits a stiff German suplex.聽Theory kicks out.聽Theory ducks Black Mass.聽Theory misses a clothesline. Black hits Black Mass for the win.

Winner- Aleister Black

Backstage, Vega says McIntyre isn鈥檛 going to make it to MITB. Garza flirts with Charly.

Andrade vs. Akira Tozawa

Tozawa lands a few quick strikes.聽Tozawa boots Andrade off the apron.聽Tozawa crushes Andrade with a running senton off the apron.聽Tozawa manages to put Andrade in an octopus hold. Andrade gets to the ropes. Andrade surprises聽Tozawa with a spinning back elbow.聽Tozawa escapes the hammerlock DDT.聽Tozawa goes up top. Andrade cuts him off. Andrade hits the rope assist Hammerlock DDT for the win.

Winner- Andrade

Drew McIntyre vs. Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega, Austin Theory, and Andrade

Garza is all over McIntyre as soon as the bell ring. McIntyre kicks Garza in the knee.聽McIntyre suplexes Garza across the ring. Garza rolls out of the ring. After a distraction from Theory, Gaza pushes聽McIntyre into the ring post. Garza puts聽McIntyre in a half crab.聽McIntyre fights out and hits an axhandle off the top.聽McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Garza tries to escape out of the ring.聽McIntyre pulls off Garza鈥檚 tights trying to pull him back into the ring.聽McIntyre dives over the top and takes out Garza, Theory, and Andrade.聽McIntyre tosses Andrade over the barricade.聽McIntyre blasts Theory with a Claymore.聽McIntyre drops Garza with a Claymore for the win.

Winner- Drew聽McIntyre

After the match,聽McIntyre tells Saxton that he鈥檚 going to give Garza another.聽McIntyre runs back down to the ring and obliterates Garza with another Claymore. Theory gets in the ring and eats a Claymore for his troubles.

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