WWE SmackDown Results – August 6th, 2021*

In-Ring Segment: Sasha Banks

Banks says it鈥檚 Boss Time on Friday Night SmackDown. She鈥檚 back for the spotlight that she deserves. Banks says she will never let anyone steal her spotlight ever again. Banks watched Belair make mistake after mistake week after week. Banks says she made Bianca Belair. There would be no main event at WrestleMania or ESPYs without her. Banks is here to make Belair pay. Belair interrupts.

Belair says Banks isn鈥檛 gonna be talking once she gets to the ring. Belair reminds Banks that she literally begged her to choose her to face at WrestleMania. It鈥檚 not about credit, Banks just doesn鈥檛 want Belair to shine. Once Belair gets in the ring, Banks rolls out. Banks stands on the announce desk. Belair asks Banks if it was something she said. Belair jokes that maybe Banks will take another four months off. Belair tells Banks if she wants the title, she can come get it.

Zelina Vega interrupts. Vega says this isn鈥檛 happening. Belair tells Vega not to step on foot in the ring. Vega waits on the apron. Vega reminds Belair that she accepted her challenge. Belair tells Banks she wants her at SummerSlam. She鈥檒l take Vega tonight.

Backstage, Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce tell Zelina Vega they can鈥檛 have a title match with no promotion on the show, but she can have a match with Belair and if she does well she can have the winner of Belair/Banks 2. Vega agrees.

Bianca Belair vs. Zelina Vega

Belair woman-handles Vega. Outside the ring, Belair picks Vega up for a press slam. Sasha Banks music hits. Banks walks out on the stage. Vega escapes Belair鈥檚 grasps and hits a ranna off the apron. Vega sends Belair back into the ring for a two count. After the break, Belair and vega trade counters until Belair slams Vega鈥檚 face into the mat. Belair hits her patented handspring moonsault for a near fall.

Vega locks in a sleeper. Belair spins Vega around. Suplex by Belair. Belair rolls through and lifts Vega in a delayed verticle suplex. Vega counters with a DDT. Belair ends up out of the ring. Vega tries another ranna off the apron but Belair catches her and swings her into the barricade, head first. Belair sends Vega back into the ring. Belair hits the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

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