WWE Monday Night Raw Results – August 17th, 2020*

Ivar w/Erik vs. Angel Garza w/Andrade and Zelina Vega

Ivar tries a spin kick but Garza counters it into a facebuster. Backstage, Angelo Dawkins is chatting up the young lady Garza and Ivar are fighting over. Vega steps in front of Garza when Ivar is about to hit a dive. Garza dropkicks Ivar in the head for the win.

Winner- Angel Garza

Dawkins appears on the screen and threatens to expose Garza with a video. On commentary, Samoa Joe notes that WWE has instituted a strike surveillance policy and he got his hands on some footage that he shared with Dawkins. Joe notes it鈥檚 amazing what people do when they think no one is watching.

Backstage, Dawkins shows footage of Vega poisoning Montez Ford. Ford appears and they attack Garza and Andrade.

Montez Ford w/Angelo Dawkins vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega and Angel Garza

Ford is all business. Ford dropkicks Andrade. Andrade falls out of the ring. Ford lands a high dive over the top rope. Ford goes up top. Andrade cuts him off and connects with a superplex. Side headlock by Andrade. Ford fires up and lands two clotheslines followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall. Andrade tries to go up top but Ford leaps up and takes Andrade off the top with a rana. Ford goes up top. Vega gets on the apron. Bianca Belair runs down to the ring. Vega dives off the apron but Belair catches her. Belair flattens Vega with the World鈥檚 Strongest Slam. As Andrade is distracted, Ford schoolboys him for the win.

Winner- Montez Ford

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