WWE SmackDown Live Results – January 8th, 2019*

Rey Mysterio and Mustafa Ali vs Samoa Joe and Andrade 鈥淐ien鈥 Almas

Joe forces Ali into the corner. Joe misses a spinning back elbow. Ali lands a few strikes. Ali hits the ropes and gets run over by Joe. Joe pounds on Ali in the corner. Ali lands an enziguri. Ali tags in Mysterio. Joe tags in Almas.聽Mysterio takes Almas over with a head scissors. Spinning back elbow by Almas. Ali tags in and drops Almas with a slingshot x-factor. Joe tags himself in. Ali catches Almas with a second rope tornado DDT. Ali sends Almas over the top rope. Ali tries a dive but Joe catches him and launches Ali into the announce table.

After the break, Ali finally makes the tag to聽Mysterio.聽Mysterio takes Almas over with a springboard ranna.聽Mysterio blast Joe with a springboard senton.聽Mysterio catches Almas with a Canadian Destroyer鈥 yes, you read that correctly. Ali takes out Joe as聽Mysterio tries to hit the 619 on Almas but Almas reverses it into the HammerLock DDT for the win!

Winners-聽Samoa Joe and Andrade 鈥淐ien鈥 Almas

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